Experienced Global Specialists in Tank Relining

Specialist Coatings (GB) Limited leads the way in the installation and supply of resin-based specialist tank lining systems. With over forty years experience, we have the expertise to prolong the lifespan of a wide range of bulk storage and process tanks by preventing corrosion and erosion through the use of high performance and cost-effective tank lining applications. We operate globally and are able to provide an unbiased, practical solution that fulfils your exact requirements.

90% saving on the cost of replacing a tank, depending upon its size, condition and location.

Works on large tanks normally completed in a few short weeks.

Can extend the practical working life of a tank by 30 plus years if the tank is regularly maintained.

Resin based lining systems especially developed for tropical conditions.

Wherever you are in the world, whatever the problem,
we have the expertise to help

Speak to an advisor today!

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Leading experts in tank coatings with a range of services to suit your needs

How can we help you?

Wherever you are in the world, whatever the problem,
we have the expertise to help

Speak to an advisor today

Wherever you are in the world, whatever the problem,
we have the expertise to help.

Speak to an advisor today!

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