On-Site Technical Support & Training

On-Site Technical Support & Training

We offer both on-site and remote technical support and training for the application of the resin-based tank lining materials.

On those occasions that a “Materials Only” supply service is agreed as the best way ahead for a client, we include telephone based technical support throughout the project.

This is a service that we have offered for several years now, for many clients it is an ideal solution. There have been projects both in the UK and several overseas locations, some of which have been quiet remote or distance from the UK.

Please feel free to contact us to discuss a project or simply to have an informal chat.
Everything discussed with us will be kept in the strictest confidence.

There are many different projects that we could choose from, but here are a few general examples:

A Recent Example: Historic Railway

We were approached by the Watercress Line Heritage Steam Railway (WLHSR) in Hampshire to see if we could find a way to extend the working life of the aged timber roofs on some of their railway carriages. These carriage roofs were originally made using a traditional method involving close fitting timber boards, a liberal coating of linseed oil putty, followed by a covering of tightly stretched canvas. These traditional materials have the slight disadvantage that they degrade at an appreciable rate requiring periodic reworking.

Following our examination of the carriage roofs and careful consideration of both the technical and aesthetic considerations, using a single carriage, we developed a suitable weatherproof coating system and process. Whilst the client’s finances were constrained, their competent volunteer manpower was not, it was therefore was agreed that we would train sufficient staff to enable the railway to do the work themselves, which they did admirably with a little telephone support from us from time to time. This was a particularly interesting and enjoyable project for us.

To see the case study of this project click here: Watercress Line and for other steam-related projects click here: heritage railways.

Example: Brewery Tanks

In another “Materials Only” project following our initial inspection visit and recommendations, we supplied onsite training to a well-known regional brewery in Yorkshire to enable their workshop personnel and the materials to carry out the repairs themselves as and when required. This enabled the brewery to fit the work in themselves around their normal brewing schedules – thereby saving time and money.

In the above case we supplied the materials in small pre-weighed kits that simply had to be mixed and applied to appropriately prepared surfaces.

Example: Underground Rainwater Collection Tanks

We were contacted by one of the main contractors a prestigious major building project in South West London, where a large number of new domestic apartments where being built.

They wanted us to supply a technical specification and materials for the lining of a number of underground rainwater collection and storage tanks on the site.

The tanks were to be constructed from cast concrete and several tanks on the site, the overall surface area was several hundred square metres.

They also wanted us to provide on-site training for their personal to enable them the skills and ability to carry out the various stages involved in the lining of these tanks, including correct surface preparation, the mixing and application of the materials in the different coats and processes involved, awareness of overcoating windows and temperature related matters and dealing with wet or damp conditions.

During the project we were called in to carry out inspection checks on general progress and to give advice where required.

The contactor was not only involved with the tanks, but the main building and construction works too.

After his team had finished their side of the tank lining works, the Principal Contractor requested that we carried out the quality control checks on the completed works, which we did.

Water Tank lining & Tank Repairs.

We supply a number of companies around the country with materials and equipment for repairing and lining of cold-water tanks.

For more information on this Click here for more information about Water Tanks & Joint Repairs and Click here for more information about Sale & Supply of Materials.

Wherever you are in the world, whatever the problem,
we have the expertise to help.

Speak to an advisor today!

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