Staper, a company operating within the paper industry.
The Client

Instructed us to perform patch repairs to the epoxy resin lining of three of their starch holding tanks.
- The internal epoxy lining was damaged in several places in the lower section of the tank.
- Areas of tank wall adjacent to the agitators required particular attention
- Left untreated, the corrosion in the deep craters would have eventually perforated the wall of the tank.
Before Treatment

The area surrounding one tank agitator had been replaced with a metal plate. It was our client’s intention to do the same in the remaining two tanks. However, we were able to recommend the application of a patch repair to the lining, which would deliver considerable cost savings and reduced tank downtime.
We began by carrying out localised closed-circuit grit blasting to remove the rust and corrosion, clean the steel and provide a strong mechanical key for the application of the repair materials. After cleaning the surfaces and the lower section of the tank, the patches were coated with two layers of chemically resistant tank lining resin in the form of patch repairs.
After Treatment

The Results
From the outset of this project, we were able to provide significant financial benefits whilst reducing downtime. The tank lining system was installed within a single day and the tanks were returned to use twenty-four hours after the final application of resin.